Future AP Computer Science A Revisions
We’re revising AP Computer Science A to align with current introductory college programming courses. These revisions will launch in the 2025-26 school year and will not impact the May 2025 exam.
Curricula from College Board–Endorsed Providers
Adopt innovative AP CSA curricula—with preapproved syllabi, lesson plans, formative assessments, and professional development—delivered by educational organizations that are endorsed by College Board. Teachers who adopt one of these out-of-the-box solutions do not need to design a syllabus from scratch.
AP Classroom
Whether you’re teaching in person or online, these free, flexible online resources can keep your class on pace throughout the year.
Additional Resources for AP Computer Science A
The resources below can supplement your AP CSA instruction. Please note that some of these resources may not have been endorsed by College Board.
For the resources that have not been endorsed, College Board makes no warranty, express or implied, that the resources are accurate or the use of such resources will accomplish the intended result.