Future AP Latin Revisions
We’re revising AP Latin to align with current third- and fourth-semester intermediate college-level Latin courses. These revisions will launch in the 2025-26 school year and there is no impact to the May 2025 exam.
Exam Overview
This is a fully digital exam. Students complete multiple-choice and free-response questions in the Bluebook testing app, with all responses automatically submitted at the end of the exam.
Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. For more information, download the AP Latin Course and Exam Description (.pdf) (CED).
Encourage your students to visit the AP Latin student page for exam information.
Exam Date
Exam Format
Section I: Multiple Choice
50 Questions | 1 Hour | 50% of Exam Score
- Syllabus Reading: Vergil (10–12 questions)
- Syllabus Reading: Caesar (10–12 questions)
- Sight Reading: Poetry (13–15 questions)
- Sight Reading: Prose (13–15 questions)
- Students will be asked to:
- demonstrate knowledge of Latin vocabulary
- explain the meaning of Latin words and phrases in context
- use specific terminology to identify grammatical forms and syntactic structures
- demonstrate knowledge of Latin syntax to read and comprehend Latin texts
- scan dactylic hexameter in Latin poetry
- identify stylistic features in Latin poetry and prose
- identify references to Roman culture, history, and mythology in Latin texts
- demonstrate overall comprehension of passages in Latin texts
- demonstrate knowledge of Roman culture and historical events
Section II: Free Response
5 Questions | 2 Hours (includes a 15-minute reading period) | 50% of Exam Score
- Translation: Vergil (1 passage, approximately 35 words) and Caesar (1 passage, approximately 40 words)
- Analytical essay (1 prompt, 2 passages in Latin)
- Students will be asked to analyze either 2 Vergil passages, 2 Caesar passages, or 1 Vergil passage and 1 Caesar passage. (poetry 12–16 lines, prose 80–120 words)
- Students will need to analyze the effects of language usage and stylistic features, supporting their argument using relevant evidence from the texts and readings in English.
- Short answer: Vergil (1 passage of 5–10 lines with 5–7 questions) and Caesar (1 passage of 50–75 words with 5–7 questions)